How to Translate the Backend

EasyAdmin leverages the Symfony Translation component to provide built-in support for translating backends into any language. The translation process is divided into two steps:

  • Translating the elements of the EasyAdmin interface;
  • Translating your own contents (such as the main menu and the property labels).

The elements of the interface are translated under the EasyAdminBundle translation domain. The rest of the elements are translated by default using the messages domain, but you can use any other domain with the translation_domain option, as explained at the end of this article.

Before translating your backend, make sure that the translator service is enabled in the application (projects based on the Symfony Standard Edition have it disabled by default):

# config/packages/translation.yaml
    translator: { fallbacks: [ "en" ] }

Translate the Backend Interface

The backend interface uses the same language as the underlying Symfony application. If you want to change it, update the value of the locale option in the config/services.yaml file.

EasyAdmin is already translated into tens of languages thanks to the generosity of its community. We’re actively looking for more translations, so please consider contributing a translation for your own language.

.. note::

Although it's not recommended to do it, if you want to change any of the
built-in translations defined under the `EasyAdminBundle` domain, use the
[translation override mechanism]( provided by Symfony.

Translate the Main Menu Labels

Menu items use the entity name as their label. The entity name is the YAML key used to define the configuration of each entity. For example, the following configuration would show two menu items called Customers and Orders:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
            class: App\Entity\Purchase

The messages.xx.yaml (or messages.xx.xlf) file for the previous example would need to use Customers and Orders as the keys of the translations. Example:

# translations/
Customers: Clientes
Orders: Ventas
# ...

Main menu labels can be customized thanks to the label option of each entity. You can even use structured translation keys instead of the real contents:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            label: menu.customers
            class: App\Entity\User
            label: menu.orders
            class: App\Entity\Purchase

In this case, the translation file should use the value of the label option as the keys of the translations (and you should also create the file for the original language used by the translation keys):

# translations/messages.en.yaml
menu.customers: Customers
menu.orders: Orders
# ...

# translations/
menu.customers: Clientes
menu.orders: Ventas
# ...

Translate Property Labels

The behavior of the property labels is very similar to the one explained in the previous section for the main menu. By default, the label of each property is the “humanized” version of its name:

================= ====================== Property value Default property label ================= ====================== propertyname Propertyname propertyName Property name property_name Property name ================= ======================

Consider the following configuration:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['firstName', 'lastName']
        # ...

The backend will display First name and Last name as the labels of the properties, so those are the translation keys that must be used:

# translations/
First name: Nombre
Last name: Apellidos
# ...

Alternatively, you can use the label option of each property to define its label explicitly. You can even use structured translation keys instead of the real contents:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Customer
                    - { property: 'firstName', label: 'users.firstName' }
                    - { property: 'lastName', label: 'users.lastName' }
        # ...

In this case, the translation file should use the value of the label option as the keys of the translations (and you should also create the file for the original language used by the translation keys):

# translations/messages.en.yaml
users.firstName: First name
users.lastName: Last name
# ...

# translations/
users.firstName: Nombre
users.lastName: Apellidos
# ...

Translate Action Names

The action labels are translated using the messages domain, even for the built-in actions provided by EasyAdmin (Save, Edit, Delete, etc.) This is done on purpose so you can override them more easily just by adding them to your main translation file:

# translations/messages.en.yaml Save Now Create
# ...

# translations/ Guardar Ahora Crear
# ...

Translate Custom Templates

All the built-in templates include the following tag to set EasyAdminBundle as the default domain used to translate the contents of that template:

{% trans_default_domain "EasyAdminBundle" %}

When overriding templates in any of your views or properties, make sure to add this tag at the top of each file to not break the backend internationalization. If needed, you can also define any other translation domain and skip the default one in your templates:

{{ 'content_to_translate' | trans({}, 'MyCustomTranslationDomain') }}

The above template uses the translations defined in the /translations/MyCustomTranslationDomain.en.xlf file (replace en by your locale and xlf by the desired translation format) instead of the default EasyAdmin translations.

Using a custom translation domain

By default EasyAdmin uses the messages domain to translate the contents of your backend. Define the global translation_domain option to use your own custom domain:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
    translation_domain: 'admin'
            # ...
            # ...

This translation domain is applied to all entities, but it can be overridden locally by each entity:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
    translation_domain: 'admin'
            # ...
            translation_domain: 'messages'
            # ...

In the above example, the contents of the Customers entity are translated with the admin domain whereas the contents of the Orders entity are translated with the messages domain.

.. tip::

Use `false` as the value of the `translation_domain` option to disable
the translations of a specific entity or the entire backend.