Chapter 5. List, Search and Show Views Configuration

This chapter explains how to customize the read-only views: list, search and show. You’ll learn all their configuration options and how to override or tweak their templates.

List, Search and Show Views

The List View displays the items that match the given criteria and provides automatic pagination and column sorting:

.. image:: ../images/easyadmin-list-view.png :alt: List view interface

The Search View displays the results of any query performed by the user. It reuses most of the design and features of the list view to ensure a consistent user experience:

.. image:: ../images/easyadmin-search-view.png :alt: Search view interface

The Show View displays the contents of a given entity:

.. image:: ../images/easyadmin-show-view.png :alt: Show view interface

General Configuration

In order to make examples more concise, this section only shows the configuration for the list view, but you can apply the exact same options to the other search and show views.

Customize the Title of the Page

This option refers both to the value of the ``<title>`` element and to the visible
title displayed at the top of the page. By default the title is just the name of
the entity. Define the `title` option to set a custom page title:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Customer
            label: 'Customers'
                title: "Most recent customers"
        # ...

The `title` value can include the following special variables:

- ``%entity_label%``, resolves to the value defined in the `label` option of
  the entity. If you haven't defined it, this value will be equal to the
  entity name. In the example above, this value would be `Customers`.
- ``%entity_name%``, resolves to the entity name, which is the YAML key used
  to configure the entity in the backend configuration file. In the example
  above, this value would be `Customer`.
- ``%entity_id%``, it's only available for the `show` view and it resolves to
  the value of the primary key of the entity being showed. Even if the option
  is called `entity_id`, it also works for primary keys with names different
  from `id`.

.. caution::

    In Symfony applications, YAML values enclosed with ``%`` and ``%`` have a
    special meaning (they are considered container parameters). Escape these
    values doubling the ``%`` characters:

    .. code-block:: yaml

        # config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
                    class: App\Entity\Customer
                    label: 'Customers'
                        title: '%%entity_label%% listing'
                # ...

If several entities use the same custom title, you can define the default title
for all entities in the global `list.title` and `show.title` options (these
global titles are always overridden by the title defined by each entity):

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        title: 'list.%%entity_label%%'
        title: '%%entity_label%% (#%%entity_id%%)'

Display a Help Message in the Page

Entities can define a global help message that is displayed below the title of the page. This is useful to add instructions or warning messages for the end users (e.g. β€œThe upload process can take a lot of time (don’t close the browser window)”).

The help message is defined with the help configuration option, which can be added to the entity (all views display the same message) and to each of the entity views:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Customer
            help: 'Global message displayed in all views'
            # ...
                help: 'The list view overrides the global help message'
                # ...
                # 'help' is not defined, so the global help message is displayed
                # ...
                # use the null value to not display the inherited global help message
                help: null
                # ...
        # ...

Customize the Number of Rows Displayed

By default, listings in the `list` and `search` display a maximum of 15
rows. To change this value, define the `max_results` option under the global
`list` key or the local `list` key of any entity:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        max_results: 30
                max_results: 10
    # ...

In addition, the `show` view displays a maximum of 10 items for fields related
with other entities (e.g. if `Category` and `Product` entities are related,
it displays a maximum of 10 products when browsing the details of some
category). To change this value, define the `max_results` option under the
global `show` key or the local `show` key of any entity:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        max_results: 20
                max_results: 5
    # ...

Customize the Properties Displayed

By default, the `show` view displays all the entity properties and the
`list` and `search` views make some "smart guesses" to decide which columns
to display to make listings look good.

Use the `fields` option to explicitly set the properties to display:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'phone', 'email']

            # if the field name contains a dot, it's the property of a Doctrine association
                # this config displays the 'email' and 'phone' properties of the
                # Doctrine entity associated via the 'user' property of 'Customer'
                fields: ['id', 'name', 'age', '', '']

            # Doctrine associations are also supported in the 'search' view. This config looks
            # for data in the 'email' and 'phone' properties of the associated 'user' entity
                fields: ['name', '', '']
    # ...

This option is also useful to reorder the properties, because by default they
are displayed in the same order as defined in the related Doctrine entity.

In the case of the `search` view, this `fields` option defines the
properties included in the search query. Otherwise, the query is performed on
all entity properties except those with special data types, such as `binary`,
`blob`, `object`, etc.

## Customize the Properties Appearance

When entity properties are not configured explicitly, the backend displays them
with the most appropriate appearance according to their data types. If you
prefer to control their appearance, start by using the extended field

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Customer
                fields: ['id', 'name', { property: 'email', label: 'Contact' }]
    # ...

Instead of using a string to define the property (e.g. ``'email'``) you have to
define a hash with the name of the property (``{ property: 'email' }``) and the
options you want to define for it (``{ ..., label: 'Contact' }``).

If your entity contains lots of properties, consider using the alternative YAML
sequence syntax to improve the legibility of your backend configuration. The
following example is equivalent to the above example:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Customer
                    - id
                    - name
                    - { property: 'email', label: 'Contact' }
    # ...

These are the options that you can define for each field:

- `property` (mandatory): the name of the property to be displayed. This is
  the only mandatory option when using the extended field configuration format.
- `label` (optional): the title displayed for the field (as the column name in
  the `list` and `search` views and as the ``<label>`` element in the
  `show` view).

  If you don't define this option or set it to `null`, the title is generated
  automatically as the "humanized" version of the property name (e.g. `published`
  is displayed as `Published` and `dateOfBirth` as ``Date of birth``).

  If you don't want to display any title for a field (e.g. when displaying an
  image in the "avatar" property) set this option to `false`. This also sets
  the `sortable` option to `false` for the field.
- `css_class` (optional): the CSS class applied to the parent HTML element that
  encloses the field contents. In the `list` and `search` views, this class
  is also applied to the ``<th>`` header of the column associated with this field.
  For example, to align the contents of some column to the right, use ``css_class: text-right``
- `permission` (optional): a string or array defining the role or roles the
  current user must have to see this field. It's explained later in the
  :ref:`Security permissions <list-search-show-security>` section.
- `template` (optional): the name of the custom template used to render the
  contents of the field. This option is fully explained later in this chapter.
- `type` (optional): the type of data stored in the property, which affects
  how the contents are displayed. The allowed values are:

  * Any of the Doctrine types: `array`, `association`, `bigint`, `blob`,
    `boolean`, `date`, `datetime`, `datetimetz`, `decimal`, `float`,
    `guid`, `integer`, `json_array`, `object`, `simple_array`,
    `smallint`, `string`, `text`, `time`.
  * Any of the custom EasyAdmin types: `avatar`, `country`` `email`,
    `file`, `image`, `raw`, `tel`, `toggle`, `url` (they are
    explained later in this chapter).

The fields of the `list` and `search` views define another option:

- `sortable` (optional): if `true` the backend allows to sort results by
  this property; set it to `false` to disable sorting. All properties are
  *sortable* by default except virtual properties (explained later in this
  chapter) and those related with Doctrine associations of any type.

The fields of the `show` view can define another option:

- `help` (optional): the help message displayed below the field contents.

.. tip::

    In addition to these options defined by EasyAdmin, you can define any custom
    option for the fields. This way you can create very powerful backend
    customizations, as explained in this tutorial: :doc:`../tutorials/custom-property-options`.

## Formatting Dates and Numbers

Customizing Date and Time Properties

By default, these are the formats applied to date and time properties (read the
[date configuration options]( in the PHP manual if you don't understand the
meaning of these formats):

- `date`: ``Y-m-d``
- `time`:  ``H:i:s``
- `datetime`: ``F j, Y H:i``

These default formats can be overridden in two ways: globally for all entities
and locally for each entity property. The global `formats` option sets the
formats for all entities and their properties:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        date:     'd/m/Y'
        time:     'H:i'
        datetime: 'd/m/Y H:i:s'
        # ...

The values of the `date`, `time` and `datetime` options are passed to the
`format()` method of the `DateTime` class, so you can use any of the
[date configuration options]( defined by PHP.

Date/time formatting can also be defined in each property configuration using
the `format` option. This local option always overrides the global format:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Customer
                    - { property: 'dateOfBirth', format: 'j/n/Y' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Customizing Numeric Properties

Numeric properties (`bigint`, `integer`, `smallint`, `decimal`,
`float`) are formatted by default according to the locale of your Symfony
application. This formatting can be overridden globally for all entities or
locally for each property.

The global `formats` option applies the same formatting for all entities:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        # ...
        number: '%.2f'
        # ...

In this case, the value of the `number` option is passed to the `sprintf()`
function, so you can use any of the [PHP format specifiers](

Numeric properties can also define their formatting using the `format`
option. This local option always overrides the global format:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'serialNumber', format: '%010s' }
                    - { property: 'margin', format: '%01.2f' }
                    # ...
    # ...

## Virtual Properties

Sometimes, it's useful to display values which are not entity properties. For
example, if your `Customer` entity defines the `firstName` and `lastName`
properties, you may want to display a column called `Name` with both values
merged. These are called *virtual properties* because they don't really exist as
Doctrine entity properties.

First add the virtual property to the entity configuration as any other property:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Customer
                # 'name' doesn't exist as a Doctrine entity property
                fields: ['id', 'name', 'phone', 'email']
    # ...

Now, if you reload the backend, you'll see that the virtual property only
displays `Inaccessible` as its value. The reason is that `name` does not
match any of the entity's properties. To fix this issue, add a new public method
in your entity called `getName()`:

``` php
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

/** @ORM\Entity */
class Customer
    // ...

    public function getName()
        return $this->getFirstName().' '.$this->getLastName();

That's it. Reload your backend and now you'll see the value of this virtual

.. note::

    The values or virtual properties are get using the [PropertyAccess component](
    from Symfony, which requires to follow a strict syntax for getter names:
    `get` + camelized version of the property name. Example: `name` ->
    `getName()`; `firstName` -> `getFirstName()`; `first_and_last_name` ->

By default, virtual properties are displayed as text contents. If your virtual
property is a *boolean* value or a date, use the `type` option to set a more
appropriate data type:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Customer
                    - 'id'
                    # these virtual properties define their 'type' option to not display them as text
                    - { property: 'is_eligible',  type: 'boolean' }
                    - { property: 'last_contact', type: 'datetime' }
    # ...

The main limitation of virtual properties is that you cannot sort listings
using these fields.

## Sorting Entity Listings

By default the `list` and `search` views sort the rows in descending order
according to the value of the primary key. You can sort by any other entity
property using the `sort` configuration option:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            # ...
                # if the sort order is not specified, 'DESC' is used
                sort: 'createdAt'
                # use an array to also define the sorting direction
                sort: ['createdAt', 'ASC']

            # ...
            # the 'sort' option supports Doctrine associations up to one level
            # (e.g. 'sort:' works but 'sort:' won't work)
                sort: ''
                sort: ['', 'ASC']

The `sort` option of each entity is only used as the default content sorting. If
the query string includes the optional `sortField` and `sortDirection`
parameters, their values override this `sort` option. This happens for example
when defining a different sorting in a custom menu and when clicking on the
listings columns to reorder the displayed contents.

## Filtering Results

There are two ways of filtering the results displayed in the `list` and
`search` views:

- **Static filters**: the results are filtered before displaying them. The user
  can't control (and it's not aware of) the filtering. They are defined with the
- **Dynamic filters**: they are rendered as a list of form controls in the
  list/search pages and the user can use them to refine the results displayed.
  They are defined with the `filters` option.

Static Filters (`dql_filter` Option)

The dql_filter option lets you define the conditions passed to the WHERE clause of the Doctrine query used to get the entities displayed in the list and search views.

The following example manages the same User entity in two different ways using a static filter to differentiate each type of user:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                dql_filter: 'entity.budget > 100000'
            class: App\Entity\User
                dql_filter: 'entity.budget <= 100000'
                # you can also use container parameters inside the filters
                # dql_filter: 'entity.budget <= %customers.budget_threshold%'

The Doctrine DQL expression defined in the dql_filter option must always use entity as the name of the entity, regardless of your actual entity name.

The value of the dql_filter can combine several conditions (in fact, you can put anything that is considered valid as a WHERE clause in a Doctrine query):

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Issue
                dql_filter: "entity.label = 'CRITICAL' OR entity.priority > 4"
            class: App\Entity\Issue
                dql_filter: "entity.priority > 2 AND entity.numComments > 10"
            class: App\Entity\Issue

.. note::

By default the `dql_filter` option from the `list` view is also used in
the `search` view. If you prefer to apply different filters, define the
`dql_filter` option explicitly for the `search` view:

.. code-block:: yaml

    # config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
                class: App\Entity\Issue
                    dql_filter: "LOWER(entity.title) LIKE '%%issue%%'"
                    # defining a different condition than 'list'
                    dql_filter: "entity.status != 'DELETED'"
                    # using an empty value to not apply any condition when searching
                    # elements (this prevents inheriting the 'dql_filter' value defined in 'list')
                    dql_filter: ''

.. tip::

Combine the `dql_filter` option with a custom menu (as explained in the next
chapters) to improve the navigation of the backend.

Dynamic Filters (filters Option)

The `filters` option defines the list of fields the user can use to refine the
list/search results. EasyAdmin can guess the appropriate filter depending on the
field data type, so in most applications, you only need to list the fields:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                filters: ['country', 'status', 'signupDate', 'numPurchases']

Built-in Dynamic Filters

EasyAdmin provides ready-to-use filters for the most common needs (dates,
numeric values, collections, etc.). The type of filter is automatically selected
based on the data type of the property, but you can also define the filter type

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                # there is no need to define the 'type' because EasyAdmin can guess it
                filters: [{ property: 'numPurchases', type: 'integer' }]

These are the built-in types:

- `array`: applied by default to array fields. It's rendered as a ``<select>`` list
  with the condition (equal/not equal) and another ``<select>`` tags input to introduce
  the comparison value.
- `boolean`: applied by default to boolean fields. It's rendered as two
  radio buttons labeled "Yes" and "No".
- `dateinterval`: applied by default to date interval fields. It's rendered as a ``<select>``
  list with the condition (before/after/etc.) and another ``<select>`` list to choose
  the comparison value.
- `datetime`, `date` or `time`: applied by default to datetime, date or time
  fields respectively. It's rendered as a ``<select>`` list with the condition
  (before/after/etc.) and a browser native datepicker to pick the date/time.
- `integer`, `decimal` or `float`: applied by default to numeric fields.
  It's rendered as a ``<select>`` list with the condition (higher/lower/equal/etc.) and a
  ``<input>`` to define the comparison value.
- `text` or `textarea`: applied by default to string/text fields. It's rendered as a
  ``<select>`` list with the condition (contains/not contains/etc.) and an ``<input>`` or
  ``<textarea>`` to define the comparison value.
- `entity`: applied to fields with Doctrine associations (all kinds
  supported). It's rendered as a ``<select>`` list with the condition (equal/not
  equal/etc.) and another ``<select>`` list to choose the comparison value.

The config of the `entity` filter requires using some nested options to define
the `class` option of the entity you are using to filter:

``` yaml
    # ...
    - label: 'Email'
      property: 'customer'
      type: 'entity',
              class: 'App\Entity\Customer'
              choice_label: 'emailAddress'
      mapped: false

Custom Dynamic Filters

If your needs are more specific, you can create your own dynamic filters. A
filter is a [Symfony Form Type]( that implements
``EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Filter\FilterInterface``. This interface
defines only one method:

``` php
 * $queryBuilder The query builder used in the list action. It's passed to all applied filters
 * $form         The form related to this filter. Use $form->getParent() to access to all filters and their values
 * $metadata     The filter configuration and some extra info related to the entity field if it matches. It's empty
 *               if the filter was created directly in a custom controller (overriding createFiltersForm() method).
 * @return void|false Returns false if the filter wasn't applied
public function filter(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, FormInterface $form, array $metadata);

To make things simpler, you can extend from the abstract
``EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Filter\Filter`` class. Consider this
example which creates a custom date filter with some special values::

    // src/Form/Filter/DateCalendarFilterType.php
    class DateCalendarFilterType extends FilterType
        public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
                'choices' => [
                    'Today' => 'today',
                    'This month' => 'this_month',
                    // ...

        public function getParent()
            return ChoiceType::class;

        public function filter(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, FormInterface $form, array $metadata)
            if ('today' === $form->getData()) {
                // use $metadata['property'] to make this query generic
                $queryBuilder->andWhere(' = :today')
                    ->setParameter('today', (new \DateTime('today'))->format('Y-m-d'));

            // ...

After creating the filter PHP class, update the backend config to associate the
new filter to the field which will use it:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                    - property: 'signupDate'
                      type: 'App\Form\Filter\DateCalendarFilterType'
                      # optionally you can pass options to the filter class
                      # type_options: {}

If the options passed to the filter are dynamic, you can't define them in the
YAML config file. Instead, :ref:`create a custom controller <overriding-the-entity-controller>`
for your entity and override the `createFiltersForm()` method::

    class ProductController extends EasyAdminController
        // ...

        protected function createFiltersForm(string $entityName): FormInterface
            $form = parent::createFiltersForm($entityName);
            $form->add('date', DateCalendarFilterType::class, [
                // here you can pass the dynamic options to the filter

            return $form;

By default, each filter must be associated with a property of the entity.
However, sometimes you need to filter by the property of a related entity
(e.g. to filter orders by the country of the order customer). In those cases,
set the `mapped` option to `false` in the filter or you'll see an exception:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Order
                    # 'country' doesn't exist as a property of 'Order' so it's
                    # defined as 'not mapped' to avoid errors
                    - property: 'country'
                      type: 'App\Form\Filter\CustomerCountryFilterType'
                      mapped: false

In the custom filter class, you can now add the query related to the associated

    // App\Form\Filter\CustomerCountryFilterType
    // ...

    public function filter(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, FormInterface $form, array $metadata)
        if (null !== $form->getData()) {
                ->leftJoin('entity.customer', 'customer')
                ->andWhere(' = :country')
                ->setParameter('country', $form->getData());

.. TODO: explain and show an example of compound filter forms

## Property Types Defined by EasyAdmin

In addition to the Doctrine data types, properties can use any of the following
data types defined by EasyAdmin.

Avatar Data Type

It displays user avatars as rounded images without borders or shadows. By
default it considers the given value as the email passed to the
service to get the avatar image URL:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                    - { property: 'email', type: 'avatar' }
                    # ...

If your avatar property stores the absolute image URL (or if it's a *getter*
method which generates it dynamically) set the `is_image_url` option to
`true` to use that image URL directly:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                    - { property: 'twitterAvatarUrl', type: 'avatar', is_image_url: 'true' }

The default size of the avatar image should be correct for most applications,
but you can control it with the `height` option:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                    # you can use any numeric value (which is considered the image height in pixels)
                    - { property: 'email', type: 'avatar', height: 128 }

                    # you can also use these special values: 'sm' (small), 'md' (medium), 'lg' (large), 'xl' (extra large)
                    - { property: 'email', type: 'avatar', height: 'sm' }

Country Data Type

It displays the full name and/or flag of the given country code. This code must
be the two letter code defined in the [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( standard, which is
the same used by Symfony's [CountryType](

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                    # by default it displays the country name and flag
                    - { property: 'country', type: 'country' }

                    # display only the country flag
                    - { property: 'country', type: 'country', with_name: false }

                    # display only the country name
                    - { property: 'country', type: 'country', with_flag: false }
                    # ...
    # ...

Email Data Type

It displays the contents of the property as a clickable ``mailto:`` link:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                    - { property: 'contact', type: 'email' }
                    # ...
    # ...

URL Data Type

It displays the contents of the property as a clickable link which opens in a
new browser tab:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                    - { property: 'blogUrl', type: 'url' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Telephone Data Type

It displays the contents of the property as a clickable telephone number. Beware
that some browsers don't support these links:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\User
                    - { property: 'workPhoneNumber', type: 'tel' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Toggle and Boolean Data Types

If an entity is editable, the `list` view applies the ``type: 'toggle'``
option to all its boolean properties. This data type makes these properties be
rendered as "flip switches" that allow to toggle their values very easily:

.. image:: ../images/easyadmin-boolean-field-toggle.gif
   :alt: Advanced boolean fields

When you change the value of any boolean property, an Ajax request is made to
actually change that value in the database. If something goes wrong, the switch
automatically returns to its original value and it disables itself until the
page is refreshed to avoid further issues:

.. image:: ../images/easyadmin-boolean-field-toggle-error.gif
   :alt: Boolean field behavior when an error happens

In you prefer to disable these "toggles", define the `type` of the property
explicitly as `boolean`:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'hasStock', type: 'boolean' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Now the boolean value is rendered as a simple label and its value cannot be
modified from the `list` view:

.. image:: ../images/easyadmin-boolean-field-label.png
   :alt: Boolean field displayed as a label

Image Data Type

If any of your properties stores the URL or path of an image, this type allows
you to display the actual image instead of its path. In most cases, you just
need to set the `type` property to `image`:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'photo', type: 'image' }
                    # ...
    # ...

In the above example, the `photo` property is displayed as a ``<img>`` HTML
element whose `src` attribute is the value stored in the property.

If the property stores relative paths, define the `base_path` option to set the
path to be prefixed to the image path:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'photo', type: 'image', base_path: '/img/' }
                    # ...
    # ...

The value of the `base_path` can be a relative or absolute URL and even a
Symfony parameter:

``` yaml
# relative path
- { property: 'photo', type: 'image', base_path: '/img/products/' }

# absolute path pointing to an external host
- { property: 'photo', type: 'image', base_path: '' }

# Symfony container parameter
- { property: 'photo', type: 'image', base_path: '%vich_uploader.mappings.product_image%' }

The image base path can also be set in the entity, to avoid repeating its
value for different properties or different views:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Product
            image_base_path: ''
                    - { property: 'photo', type: 'image' }
                    # ...
    # ...

The base paths defined for a property always have priority over the one defined
globally for the entity.

File Data Type

If any of your properties stores the URL or path of a file, this type allows you
to display a link to the actual file. In most cases, you just need to set the
`type` property to `file`:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'instructions', type: 'file' }
                    # ...
    # ...

In the above example, the `instructions` property is displayed as an ``<a>``
HTML element whose `href` attribute is the value stored in the property.

If the property stores relative paths, define the `base_path` option to set the
absolute or relative path to be prefixed to the file path:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'instructions', type: 'file', base_path: '/pdf/' }
                    # ...
    # ...

The file base path can also be set in the entity, to avoid repeating its
value for different properties or different views:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Product
            file_base_path: ''
                    - { property: 'instructions', type: 'file' }
                    # ...
    # ...

The base paths defined for a property always have priority over the one defined
globally for the entity.

The name of the file is displayed by default as the text of the ``<a>`` link.
If this is undesired, define the `filename` property to set the ``<a>`` text

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'instructions', type: 'file', filename: 'View instructions (PDF)' }
                    # ...
    # ...

Raw Data Type

All the string-based data types are escaped before displaying them. For that
reason, if the property stores HTML content, you'll see the HTML tags instead of
the rendered HTML content. In case you want to display the contents unescaped,
define the `type` option with a `raw` value:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            class: App\Entity\Product
                    - { property: 'features', type: 'raw' }
                    # ...
    # ...

## Advanced Design Configuration

This section explains how to completely customize the design of the `list`,
`search` and `show` views. EasyAdmin defines several Twig templates to
create its interface. These are the templates related to `list`, `search`
and `show` views:

- `@EasyAdmin/default/layout.html.twig`, the common layout that decorates the
  rest of the main templates;
- `@EasyAdmin/default/show.html.twig`, renders the contents stored by a given
- `@EasyAdmin/default/list.html.twig`, renders the entity listings and the
  search results page;
- `@EasyAdmin/default/paginator.html.twig`, renders the pagination of the
  `list` view.

In addition, EasyAdmin uses several template fragments to render the value of
each property according to its type. For example, properties of type `string`
are rendered with the `@EasyAdmin/default/field_string.html.twig` template.
There are also other fragments to render special values, such as
`@EasyAdmin/default/label_null.html.twig` for `null` values. Check out the
`src/Resources/views/` directory of the bundle to see all the available

Depending on your needs, there are several customization options:

1) Override the default EasyAdmin templates using Symfony's overriding mechanism.
   Useful to add or change minor things in the default interface.
2) Use your own templates to display the list/search/show views and all their
   elements. Useful if you want to customize the interface entirely.
3) Use a template fragment to customize just one property of some entity in the
   list/search/show views. Useful to completely change how some property is

Overriding the Default Templates Using Symfony's Mechanism

Symfony allows to override any part of third-party bundles. To override one of the default EasyAdmin templates, create a new template inside templates/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/default/ with the same path as the template to override. Example:


β”œβ”€ ...
└─ templates/
   └─ bundles/
      └─ EasyAdminBundle/
         └─ default/
            β”œβ”€ list.html.twig
            β”œβ”€ edit.html.twig
            └─ paginator.html.twig

.. tip::

Add an empty ``{{ dump() }}`` call in your custom templates to know which
variables are passed to them by EasyAdmin.

Instead of creating the new templates from scratch, you can extend from the original templates and change only the parts you want to override. However, you must use a special syntax inside extends to avoid an infinite loop:

{# templates/bundles/EasyAdminBundle/default/layout.html.twig #}

{# DON'T DO THIS: it will cause an infinite loop #}
{% extends '@EasyAdmin/default/layout.html.twig' %}

{# DO THIS: the '!' symbol tells Symfony to extend from the original template #}
{% extends '@!EasyAdmin/default/layout.html.twig' %}

{% block sidebar %}
    {# ... #}
{% endblock %}

Using your Own Templates to Display the list/search/show Views

Add the `templates` option (globally or only to some entities) to define the
path of the Twig template used to render each part of the interface:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        # these custom templates are applied to all entities
            paginator: 'admin/my_paginator.html.twig'
            layout: 'admin/layouts/custom_layout.html.twig'
            label_null: 'admin/null_value.html.twig'
            # ...
            # these custom templates are only applied to this entity and
            # they override any global template defined in 'design.templates'
                list: 'admin/customizations/customer_list.html.twig'
                field_string: 'admin/types/long_strings.html.twig'

The name of the config option matches the name of the template files inside
`src/Resources/views/` (e.g. `layout`, `field_string`, `label_null`,
etc.) The value of the options can be any valid Twig template path.

.. tip::

    Add an empty ``{{ dump() }}`` call in your custom templates to know which
    variables are passed to them by EasyAdmin.

Instead of creating the new templates from scratch, you can extend from the
original templates and change only the parts you want to override. Suppose you
only want to change the search form of the `list` view. To do so, create the
following `list.html.twig` template extending from the default one and
override only the `search_action` Twig block:

``` twig
{# templates/admin/list.html.twig #}
{% extends '@EasyAdmin/default/list.html.twig' %}

{% block search_action %}
    {# ... customize the search form ... #}
{% endblock %}

Customizing the Template Used to Render Each Property

This method is useful to use a custom template just to render a single property
of some entity. To do so, define the path of the custom template in the
`template` option of the property:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
    # ...
                    - { property: 'total', template: 'admin/invoice_total.html.twig' }

Instead of using the default `field_float.html.twig` template, the value of
the `total` property is rendered with the `admin/invoice_total.html.twig`
template. The value of `template` can be any valid Twig template path.

.. tip::

    Add an empty ``{{ dump() }}`` call in your custom templates to know which
    variables are passed to them by EasyAdmin.

## Security and Permissions

There are several options to hide part of the information displayed in the
list/search/show views depending on the current user roles. First, you can
show/hide the entire column associated to a field with the `permission`

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
                    # all users will see the first three columns
                    - name
                    - price
                    - stock

                    # only users with this role will see this column
                    - { property: 'sales', permission: 'ROLE_ADMIN' }

                    # this column will only be displayed for users with one of these roles
                    # (or all of them, depending on your Symfony app configuration)
                    # (see
                    - { property: 'comission', permission: ['ROLE_SALES', 'ROLE_ADMIN'] }
    # ...

You can also restrict which items can users see in the "list/search" listings
and the "show" view thanks to the `item_permission` option. The role or roles
defined in that option are passed to the ``is_granted($roles, $item)`` function
to decide if the current user can see the given item:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        # optionally you can define a global permission applied to all entities
        # each entity can later override this by defining their own item_permission option
        item_permission: 'ROLE_ADMIN'

                # set this option to an empty string or array to unset the global permission for this entity
                item_permission: ''
                # this completely overrides the global option (both options are not merged)
                item_permission: ['ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN', 'ROLE_HUMAN_RESOURCES']
    # ...

In the "show" view, if the user doesn't have permission they will see an
appropriate error message (and you'll see a detailed error message in the
application logs).

In the "list/search" views, to avoid confusion and pagination errors, if the
user doesn't have permission to see some items, an empty row will be displayed
at the bottom of the list with a message explaining that they don't have enough
permissions to see some items:

.. image:: ../images/easyadmin-list-hidden-results.png
   :alt: List view with some results hidden because user does not have enough permissions

.. tip::

    Combine the `item_permission` option with custom [Symfony security voters](
    to better decide if the current user can see any given item.

Next chapter: :doc:`edit-new-configuration`