Chapter 7. Actions Configuration

EasyAdmin backends consist of views and actions. The view is the page where you are (list, edit, show, etc.) and the action is what you do on that page (search, delete, etc.)

Views include one or more actions to perform operations on the items displayed in that view. For example, the default list view interface includes four actions as buttons or links:

.. image:: ../images/easyadmin-list-view-actions.png :alt: List view interface

These are the built-in actions included by default in each view:

======== =================================================== View Default Actions ======== =================================================== list delete, edit, list, new, search edit delete, list new list show delete, edit, list ======== ===================================================

In this chapter you’ll learn how to enable, disable and customize these built-in actions. If you want to create your own actions read the :doc:../tutorials/custom-actions tutorial.

Disable Actions for Some or All Entities

Use the disabled_actions option to disable any action globally or just for some entity. For example, to disable the show action for all entities:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
    disabled_actions: ['show']
    # ...

When an action is disabled, the backend no longer displays it in any of the views. Moreover, if some user tries to hack the URL to access to a disabled action, they’ll see a Forbidden Action error page.

The disabled_actions option can also be defined per entity. For example, to disable the new action just for the User entity:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            # ...
            disabled_actions: ['new']

The values of the disabled_actions options are merged in cascade for each entity. If the backend configuration is the following:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
    disabled_actions: ['show']
    # ...
            # ...
            disabled_actions: ['new']

The User entity will have both the new and the show actions disabled.

Configure the Actions Displayed in Each View

Adding Actions Globally

Define the actions to display on each backend view using the `actions` option:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        actions: ['show']
        actions: ['edit', 'search']
    # ...

The value of the `actions` option is merged with the default action
configuration for each view. In the above example, the `edit` view of all
entities will include the `list`, `delete` and `show` actions (the first
two are the default actions and the last one is explicitly configured).

Removing Actions Globally

Instead of adding new actions, sometimes you want to remove them. To do so, use the same actions option but prefix each action name with a dash (-):

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        actions: ['show', '-delete']
        actions: ['edit', 'search', '-delete']
    # ...

In the above example, the edit view will now include just the list and the show actions because of the following configuration merge:

================================== ==================== Configuration merge Actions ================================== ==================== Default actions list, delete Actions added by global config show Actions deleted by global config delete Resulting actions for entities list, show ================================== ====================

Adding Actions Per Entity

Define the actions to add to each entity view using the `actions` option:

``` yaml
# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
                actions: ['show']
            # ...

The global `action` configuration (if any) is merged with the entity's
`action` configuration, as explained in the next section.

Removing Actions Per Entity

Define the actions to remove to each entity view using the actions option and prefixing the action name with a dash (-):

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
                actions: ['-search']
            # ...

The global action configuration (if any) is merged in cascade with the entity’s action configuration. Consider the following example:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        actions: ['-edit']
                actions: ['-search']
            # ...
                actions: ['edit']
            # ...

This would be the configuration merging process for the Invoice entity:

================================ ======================================= Configuration merge Actions ================================ ======================================= Default actions edit, new, search, show Actions added by global config (none) Actions deleted by global config edit Actions added by entity edit Actions removed by entity (none) Resulting actions for entity edit, new, search, show ================================ =======================================

This would be the configuration merging process for the Customer entity:

================================ ======================================= Configuration merge Actions ================================ ======================================= Default actions edit, new, search, show Actions added by global config (none) Actions deleted by global config edit Actions added by entity (none) Actions removed by entity search Resulting actions for entity new, show ================================ =======================================

.. note::

Beware that the `actions` option just defines if an action should be
displayed or not, but it doesn't disable the action (a malicious user could
*hack* the URL and change the `action` parameter manually). Use the
`disabled_actions` options to ban those actions entirely.

Customizing the Actions Displayed in Each View

In addition to adding or removing actions, you can also configure their properties, such as their labels and icons. To do so, you must use the expanded configuration format:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        # shortcut configuration format
        actions: ['edit']

        # expanded configuration format
            - { name: 'edit' }

Then, define any of the following options to customize the action:

  • name, this is the only mandatory option. You can freely choose this value, but it must be valid as a PHP method name (use characters, numbers and underscores only).
  • label, is the text displayed in the button or link associated with the action. If not defined, the action label is the humanized version of its name option. Set it to null or an empty string to hide it and only display the associated icon.
  • title, is the text used in the title HTML attribute of the <a> element associated with the action. Most of the times you can safely ignore this option, but it’s useful to display a helpful message when the action hides its label and only displays its icon.
  • css_class, is the CSS class or classes applied to the link or button used to render the action.
  • icon, is the name of the FontAwesome icon displayed next to the link or inside the button used to render the action. You don’t have to include the fa- prefix of the icon name (e.g. to display the icon of a user, don’t use fa fa-user or fa-user; just use user).
  • target, is the value of the target HTML attribute applied to the button or link associated with the action (e.g. _blank to open the action in a new browser tab/window).

Removing Action Labels and Displaying Just Icons

By default, the actions showed in the list view only display their label (Edit, Show, etc.):

.. image:: ../images/easyadmin-listing-actions-label-only.png :alt: Action Labels in Entity Listing

This is configurable thanks to the icon, label and title options:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
            # displays both the action label and a custom icon
            - { name: 'edit', icon: 'pencil' }

            # hides the action label and displays only the icon
            - { name: 'edit', icon: 'pencil', label: false }

            # the 'title' content is displayed when the cursor is over the icon
            - { name: 'edit', icon: 'pencil', label: false, title: 'Search' }

Displaying Item Actions in a Dropdown Menu

In complex backends it’s common to display lots of fields on each list row. In those cases it’s recommended to display the actions in a dropdown menu instead of the expanded design used by default.

To do so, set the collapse_actions to true in the global list option or the local list option of each entity (the local option overrides the global option):

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        # hide actions by default in a dropdown menu...
        collapse_actions: true
        # ...
                # ...except for this entity, where actions are displayed expanded
                collapse_actions: false
            # ...

Batch Actions

Batch actions are the actions which are applied to multiple items at the same time. They are only available in the views that display more than one item: list and search.

These actions are configured in the batch_actions option, which can be defined globally and/or per entity (entity config overrides the global config). The only built-in batch action is delete:

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        # allow deleting multiple items at once ...
        batch_actions: ['delete']
        # ...
            # ... except for this 'User' entity
            batch_actions: ['-delete']

Batch actions are configured the same as regular actions, so you can change their label, icon and title as explained in the previous sections. The merging of global and local config is also done in the same way and the config of disabled_actions is applied to these batch actions too.

By default, the delete batch action asks for confirmation before deleting the selected items. You can change this behavior with the ask_confirm option (which can also be applied to your own :ref:custom batch actions <custom-batch-actions>):

# config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
        # this will delete selected items immediately, without asking for confirmation
        batch_actions: [{ name: 'delete', ask_confirm: false }]

Read how to :ref:create your own batch actions <custom-batch-actions> to get the most out of this feature.

Next chapter: :doc:menu-configuration